
Mainstreaming Biodiversity and Innovative governance for Biodiversity in Latin America and the Caribbean: Challenges and opportunities for Development Planning and Sustainable Agriculture

Information repository for the Virtual Dialogues with civil society, the private and the Government sector

Last July, the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC), in collaboration with the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework EU Support project, convened three virtual dialogues on June 29th and July 4th & 9th 2023, aimed to reflect on challenges and opportunities in development planning and sustainable agriculture in the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The dialogues featured representatives from civil society such as women’s and youth organisations, indigenous peoples and local communities,  representatives from private and financial sector as well as representatives from the public sector with expertise in agriculture, fisheries, planning and governance and experts from academia, multilateral organisations, technical cooperation agencies and the United Nations system.

Pineaple farming in Mexico ©Los muertos crew on Pexels-10039970-min

The dialogues highlighted the key role of development planning, sustainable agriculture, biodiversity mainstreaming and coherent incentives, as well as the need for a multi-ministerial and participatory governance mechanism for the full and effective implementation of the KMGBF. Participants also discussed on ways to enable the full and active participation of Indigenous People and Local Communities, associations & guilds and collective groups & cooperatives as actors with the highest potential to enable transformative change.

You may download the reports through the following links:

  1. Report of the dialogue with civil society (June 29th): EN / SP  
  2. Report of the dialogue with private sector (July 4th): EN / SP
  3. Report of the dialogue with governmental sector (July 7th):  EN / SP
  4. Full report of the three  dialogues (only available in Spanish): SP 
  5. Executive summary of the three dialogues: EN / SP

Read the individual reports of each dialogue:

Read the overall reports:

Next steps:

Next on the line : a multi-sectoral Dialogue organized in Chile,  to summarize the previous online meetings and pursue the momentum of discussion, in order focusing on Biodiversity Mainstreaming in Latin America and the Caribbean. 

From November 13th to 16th 2023, scientific and technical experts of the region will gather for a session entitled “Biodiversity Mainstreaming and Innovative Governance in Latin America and the Caribbean”.

Learn more here.

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