
Peru’s multilevel dialogue on the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework

Peru’s multilevel dialogue on the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework
Assisting Peru local and subnational governments to push forward their needs and requirements in the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework negotiations
The Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support project partners with and supports ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center and its South American Secretariat organized a multilevel dialogue on the post 2020 biodiversity framework in Peru. This dialogue is part of a vertical dialogue series organized in 6 project partner countries across May, June and July 2021.

On 27 May 2021, the dialogue brought together a range of stakeholders from the various levels of government in Peru (Regional Government of Loreto, Cities of Lima, Comas, San Pedro de Vice, etc.), the Ministry of Environment of Peru (MINAM) and international partners (EU Delegation to Peru, CBD, UNDRR Americas, GIZ Protected Areas Project).

It was opened by keynote speeches from Minister Gabriel Quijandra, Peru’s Minister of Environment, Rodrigo Perpetuo, Director of ICLEI’s South American Secretariat, Marie-Paule Neuville, the EU Delegation Cooperation Attaché, and Hugo Rivera Mendoza, Deputy Team Leader, Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support.

“It is at the local level that the different environmental agendas for biodiversity, climate and resilience meet towards a same and unique goal: improve development conditions and peoples’ well-being.Gabriel Quijandra, Minister for the Environment of Peru

The dialogue focused on what has been achieved on the road the Biodiversity COP 15, and the importance of local and subnational governments working together to promote nature-based development. Local and subnational governments pushed forward their needs and requirements in the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework negotiation. Best practices were shared including the development of an urban greenbelt (Cinturon Verde de Independencia), urban agriculture and gardens (Loreto’s province). The sustainable management of peri-urban nature including mangroves (San Pedro de Vice) and other nature-based solutions implemented by Peruvian local actors were also highlighted.

The implementation of the biodiversity framework is assumed by national governments. In Peru, the national level is already working with many actors about the theme in preparation towards COP15. Local governments are of vital importance for that purpose!” Hugo Rivera Mendoza, Deputy Team Leader, Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support

The exchanges facilitated the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework ownership’s by participants and their subsequent involvement in its coming implementation. Direct interactions took place with the General Director for Biological Diversity of the Ministry of Environment on key policy issues arising from the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and the national Peruvian position on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

Biodiversity is the main asset Peru has for its future. It is urgent to invest in it. Healthy ecosystems that conserve their integrity and functionality will provide people with good and services.” José Álvarez, General Director for Biological Diversity, Ministry of Environment

As a result, several Peruvian local and subnational governments expressed an interest in signing up the Edinburgh Declaration and supporting the call for a dedicated & more ambitions decision and renewed plan of action. They likewise expressed an interest in joining the CitiesWithNature platform endorsed by the CBD to gather commitments from local and subnational actors.

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