Among milestones events on the roadmap, ICLEI informed participating constituencies on the coming informal sessions in preparation for both SBSTTA24 (17-19 & 24-26 February) and SBI-3 (8-14 March). All participants were also invited to take part to the Nature of Cities (TNOC) Festival, a virtual event run from February 22-26 that included various sessions and dialogues on topics relevant to the post 2020 global biodiversity framework and an online boot hosted by the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support project. Particularly, the session “Financing green cities for the future we want” to take place on February 23 (CEST) with several mayors, finance and experts innovators to accelerate investment in green and blue infrastructure, restore ecosystem and protect biodiversity was announced.
The youth, through the voice of the Global Youth Biodiversity Network, expressed its vision as to how local authorities can engage better with youth in their cities when it comes to shaping biodiversity targets and policies, but also encourage them in participating more practically in nature-prone activities cities. Among the aspirations and plans expressed by young leaders for 2021 towards COP 15 stand the priorities identified as part of the extensive consultation process lead in their community: integrity of life support systems, sustainable living, equity for people and nature, intergenerational equity and full effective participation of youth, transformative education, human rights and the rights of nature. Expressing youth’s insight on the nature.
“We must push for an equitable world. The global framework biodiversity shall always put forward the well-being of people.” Josefa Tauli, GYBN
A series of 13 National Youth Consultation lead by GYBN across the world (Paraguay, Nepal, Haiti, Bolivia, South Africa, Kenya, Congo, Zinbabwe, Nigeria, etc.) were announced over the webinar where the participation and engagement of young representatives from all local and subnational governments is strongly encouraged.
To raise up to the challenges identified by youth leaders and the pandemic and nature crisis, ICLEI CBC will establish an ICLEI One Health Center and develop an extensive program for the UN Decade for Ecosystem Restoration, that will involve the youth and their leaders and representatives across the global arenas.
“Cities can engage better with youth in their cities letting the young participate, not only in a specific youth corner or youth council but as equal, but with opportunities to be involved in decision making for real empowerment and participation. Second, they must have a budget to run projects. Third, link it up with the education system, and make it mandatory for students to learn about a nature in regards to economics, mathematics, social issues, etc. Last, massive differences between the global north and south: overcoming systemic injustices.” Christian Schwarzer, GYBN
With the support of the Post 20202 Biodiversity Framework.EU support project, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center holds monthly webinars to keep the local and subnational government constituency, networks, and partners up to date on key milestones and the participatory preparation process of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework on the roadmap to COP 15.
Register now to the coming webinars by clicking here :
- 4 March 2021
- 1 April 2021
- 6 May 2021
- 3 June 2021
- 1 July 2021
Watch ICLEI’s Post 2020 webinars here.
Check ICLEI’s Local and Subnational Engagement Platform here.