
OEWG Co-Chairs Reflections for the next steps of the GBF discussions

CBD COP15 Part 1 A renewed sense of optimism
Towards a transformative global biodiversity framework
The momentum towards adopting a transformative GBF in Kunming next year keeps building after this latest sequence of events (OEWG3 in Columbia, UN General Assembly in New-York, IUCN WCC in Marseille, COP15-Part 1 in Kunming, UNFCCC COP26…).

Following the discussions on draft 1 of the GBF that took place during the first part of the OEWG 3 meeting last August, the co-chairs Basile van Havre and Francis Ogwal gathered their reflections in a document published early December by the CBD secretariat.

“Our Reflection document is now out. This is our summary of the discussion that took place in August and some suggestions for next steps.” said Francis van Havre.

If this document is not meant to replace the first draft of the GBF, it draws upon the proposals delivered orally by Parties and stakeholders during OEWG3 meeting, and those submitted in writing in response to requests for submissions.

In this document, the co-chairs made suggestions, not prescribing text or outcomes, exposed what they heard, detailed some context or link to other elements of the framework, suggested questions to be considered in further meetings. They also offered initial ideas on how areas of divergence may be resolved, provided further information and explained the rational underpinning relevant elements of the first draft.

Key reflections outlined in the report are on:

  • the overall structure of, and rationale behind, the Post 2020 GBF
  • the purpose of the GBF
  • the relationship with Agenda 2030 for Sustainable development
  • the theory of change
  • the 2050 vision and the 2030 mission
  • a proposal for a new section on guidance for the implementation of the framework
  • the A,B,C,D goals, the 2030 milestones and the twenty-one 2030 targets
  • the proposals for new targets
  • the communications, education, awareness and uptake
  • the monitoring framework
  • the draft decision for the COP

It is hoped that the reflections provided in this document will assist Parties and stakeholders to advance their deliberations at the resumed physical meeting of the next meeting of the Working Group to take place in Geneva in March 2022 (date tbc) in order to negotiate an effective, ambitious and practical framework to be adopted at COP15-Part 2 in Kunming, China.

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