
Leaders Pledge for Nature

World Leaders unite to reverse biodiversity loss by 2030 for Sustainable Development.
66 countries have come together on 28 September 2020, ahead of the Summit to send a united signal to step up global ambition for biodiversity and to commit to matching our collective ambition for nature, climate and people with the scale of the crisis at hand.

Political leaders participating in the United Nations Summit on Biodiversity in September 2020, representing 66 countries from all regions and the European Union, have committed to reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. By doing so, these leaders are sending a united signal to step up global ambition and encourage others to match their collective ambition for nature, climate and people with the scale of the crisis at hand.

“We need to move forward to the next level in Costa Rica…but globally, we need to keep advocating, this is not an exception it can be done elsewhere & it pays back to society in terms of economic growth, jobs…protecting biodiversity & nature.” Carlos Alvarado Quesada, President of Costa Rica.

In endorsing this Pledge for Nature, they commit themselves not simply to words, but to meaningful action and mutual accountability to address the planetary emergency. It marks a turning point, and comes with an explicit recognition that they will all be judged now and by future generations on their willingness and ability to meet its aims.

We need and we must reset our relationship to Nature and secure a resilient, carbon neutral, Nature Positive world, therefore ensuring the Green Recovery agenda is on top of our priorities.H.E. Mr. Uhuru Kenyatta, Kenya

With this Pledge, signatories also aim to support the United Nations system and its fundamental role in catalysing the global response to this crisis in the upcoming decisive months and years.

Read the Leaders Pledge here.

Watch the Pledge video:

Ursula Van Der Leyen:

To see the full list of countries supporting the Pledge, go here.

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