
Empowering African Youth : SBSTTA#25 side-event

Closing the gap of technical & scientific needs for Transformative Actions

Held on October 17th 2023, in the margins of the 25th edition of SBSTTA in Nairobi, the side-event, organized jointly by GYBN Africa, African Wildlife Foundation (AWF), Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support and Moroccan Ministry of Energy Transition & Sustainable Development focused on holding on the African Youth Mobilization for a whole-of-society approach in line with the KMGBF Target 22.

Presenting the outcomes of the 2nd Annual African Youth Summit on Biodiversity (AYSB2023), this event outlined the needs of African Youth needs in biodiversity conservation. It also emphasized the role of youth in implementation, monitoring, reporting, and decision-making processes related to biodiversity conservation while showcasing also concrete youth-led actions that contribute to biodiversity conservation efforts across Africa.

© SBSTTA-25 Nairobi Meetings

The discussion moderated by Abdul Hamid, Policy Coordinator at Kenyan Youth Biodiversity Network (KYBN) gathered several panelists from different organizations:

  • Irene Natukunda, Global Youth Biodiversity Network – Africa (GYBN Africa) who highlighted the key findings and insights related to youth needs and aspirations in biodiversity conservation and the important role of African youth engagement in the reviewing and revision of NBSAPs;
  • Fred Kumah, Vice President, Global Leadership African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) who shared tangible examples and successes in engaging youth in conservation efforts and how AWF is committing to support youth in Africa;
  • Hugo Rivera Mendoza, Team Leader, Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support who put the spotlight on youth-led projects selected through AYSB2023’s call for proposals and on how these projects will serve as catalysts for realizing the goals of the KMGBF;
  • Dr Lucy Wambui Ng’ang’a, UNCBD Liaison/Focal Point, Ministry of Environment, Climate Change and Forestry Kenya, who finally presented Kenya’s strategies for involving youth in biodiversity-related decision-making processes and highlighted again the critical role of Biodiversity Focal Points in this process .

One of the goals of the event was also to foster dialogue and collaboration between African youth organizations, government representatives, and experts in the field. Key personalities also intervened to emphasize the importance of involving young people in decision-making processes at different levels.

  Mr. Reda Benhima from the Ministry of Energy Transition & Sustainable Development of Morocco expressed Morocco’s encouragement to youth: “It is regrettable that, within the framework of IPBES assessments, the participation of African contributors remains limited. It is imperative to implement concrete actions to address this issue, especially by encouraging in every possible way the scientific research in Africa and fostering the inclusion of young people in the scientific field.” 

 Mr. Francis Ogwal, CBD Primary National Focal Point for Uganda, shared his views on the need to give youth a voice : « If there is hope for reducing biodiversity loss it is in youth. There is a generation now that is very difficult to change. But as time goes, this generation will leave you the stage. […] I want to hear the voice of the youth being loud ».

The final outcome of this youth-led event was to identify specific technical and scientific needs of African youth in the context of the new Global Biodiversity Framework and to raise awareness of already existing youth projects. 

This side event was also a useful and instructive occasion, a breath of inspiration encouraging the design of concrete programs to support African youth in their efforts to conserve biodiversity.

What’s next ?

Representatives from GYBN Africa are currently working on a publication entitled “Youth as key stakeholders in the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework”, which will be published soon on our website.

This paper will outline the latest initiatives of African youth contribution in building the KMGBF, setting down on paper and describing in detail the latest youth-led Biodiversity Conservation Projects.

It will also highlight the barriers to up-scaling youth-led engagement in Policy and Implementation, such as challenges in governance and institutional structures and larger bureaucratic hurdles.

It will conclude with some specific recommendations for private and public donors, to support youth-led action and more generally to support youth participation in the NBSAP alignment process.

Keep posted and subscribe to our newsletter to make sure you don’t miss the publication of this 4 pager!

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