
African Youth Biodiversity Forum – Vhembe Biosphere Reserve

Developing an african regional initiative for Youth mobilization on biodiversity
Building upon the achievements of the Youth Leadership Dialogue (Paris, November 2019), the African Youth Biodiversity Forum represented a regional opportunity to facilitate youth mobilisation on the ground. It supported the establishment of a youth policy ask for the environment and biodiversity, in particular in connection with the South African presidency of the African Union (AU), the Sustainable Development Goals and the AU’s 2063 Agenda.

The objective of this Forum (February 5th to 7th), organised in cooperation with the Global Youth Biodiversity Network and UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere Programme, was to support the development of a cross-constituency African youth network engaged in biodiversity, and to replicate the achievements of the Youth Leadership Dialogue (Paris, November 2019). The event was planned as a back-to-back forum to the African Union Summit, which is set to happen on February 9 and 10 in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The African youth from 19 countries met to learn about the CBD and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, and discuss the zero draft document as released by the co-chairs in January 2020.

Several participants committed themselves to start GYBN chapters in their countries, while African Youth representatives pledged to work together on a few common projects.

“Let us not make this forum an opportunity not only to complain to the government, but also to discuss as youth, how we will deal with current environmental challenges in Africa.” Vongani Maringa, South Africa Department of Environmental Affairs. 

A joint declaration of all African Youth constituencies has been drafted on the Forum final day. It will be sent to the African Union Youth Envoy and to various national focal points to the CBD. It will be incorporated into GYBN’s position paper towards OEWG 2.



 Read the African Youth Biodiversity Forum Declaration


Listen to our Project’s message to the African Youth broadcasted during the opening:

(Re)watch the official movie of our “BiodiversityNeedsYouTH!” campaign!

  Read our “Mobilization of #2” on Youth commitment for the Planet !

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