This session was hosted by the Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN). It highlighted the youth perspective on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework with a particular focus on the importance of intergenerational equity. This includes the full and effective participation of younger generations in policy development, decision making, planning and implementation.
This session also highlighted a wide range of social justice issues including the fair and equitable sharing of benefits, the rights- based approach, as well as the full and effective participation of IPLCs, and the importance of securing their land tenure rights.
“When we are speaking of intergenerational equity, we are speaking of the past generations, the ones that are here, and the ones to come.” Simangele Msweli, South African Biodiversity Framework.
In this dynamic and unique context, participants reflected over how intra- and intergenerational equity can be further integrated into not only the post 2020 GBF, but also into the broader nature conservation community and how issues such as racial, gender and social justice can be mainstreamed into our individual work as conservationists.
“Bending the curve of inequity and bending the curve of biodiversity loss go hand in hand.” Melina Sakiyama, GYBN.
This dialogue produced valuable initial inputs that will be further developed in the upcoming webinar series and be showcased during the pavilion at IUCN World Conservation Congress that will be held in Marseille in September 2021
Introducing Intergenerational Equity:
- Simangele Msweli (GYBN Steering Committee, Intergenerational Equity and Racial justice)
- Amelia Arreguin (GYBN Mexico, Gender perspectives)
- Josefa Tauli (GYBN Steering Committee, IPLC rights)
- Christian Schwarzer, GYBN
- Melina Sakiyama, GYBN
The WCC Post-2020 Pavilion Virtual Biodiversity Dialogue Series consisted of ten virtual sessions that address a wide range of issues related to the Post-2020 negotiations. These virtual sessions were convened during June-July 2020 and collectively, they created a platform to unite Post-2020 Pavilion Partners to deepen collective thinking in the run-up to the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2021.