
Sustainable production and consumption in Brazil

Sustainable production and consumption in Brazil
Fostering synergies from Brazilian Subnational and local governments and private sector on the post-2020 biodiversity framework
As part of the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support initiative and the New Deal for Nature and People of WWF Brazil action implemented by ICLEI South American Secretariat, this webinar on sustainable production and consumption seeks to foster Brazilian subnational and local governments and the private sector common appropriation of the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework, strengthening the synergies in their advocacy for nature and commitments towards the 15th Conference of Parties of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD COP15).

The event opened a space for debate and foster common ground for appropriation of the post 2020 biodiversity framework stakes’ among participating local and subnational governments (States of Belo Horizonte, Sao Paulo and Pernambuco, City of Anchieta), and business companies (Natura, Suzano) and networks (CEBDS, Central do Cerrado, Family Farmers cooperative of Peruaçu Valley, Comida do Amanhã).

It allowed for both knowledge transfer, networking, expertise-building, and spaces for dialogue and innovative ideas based on past advocacy successful examples. It will focus on the articulation between the different levels of local and business stakeholders, for a coherent paradigm creation and common appropriation and positioning in relation to the post-2020 biodiversity framework.

With a view to building support for the mainstreaming targets in the global biodiversity framework and awareness of the Long-term strategic approach and its Action Plan to be adopted at COP15, the event identified pathways for the integration of local and subnational governments and the private sectors action channels, including mobilization strategies alignment, joint action leverage activation. It improved understanding of how the broader global work on Business & Biodiversity fits in the Post 2020 biodiversity framework and overall work engaged under the CBD and thus create incentives for Brazilian companies to join Business for Nature’s Call to Action. Several Brazilian local and subnational governments shall also sign up the Edinburgh Declaration and support a CBD COP Decision for a renewed Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities and Other Local Authorities.

Just as the Leaders Pledge for Nature – now signed by 89 parties across the world – the Edinburgh Declaration remains opened to signature by Brazil’s Federal Government up until CBD COP15.

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