
SBSTTA23: Roadmap For Youth Engagement – Montreal

Youth constituencies presented their roadmap and action plan towards the post-2020 global biodiversity framework
The side-event set during SBSTTA23 was the occasion to showcase the work and significance of youth in bringing about a strong post-2020 biodiversity framework. Speakers presented initiatives and engaged with participants on various topics, including: building a broad youth movement ahead of COP15 and beyond the biodiversity silo; integrating the concept of intergenerational equity in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework; implementation a youth strategy and roadmap towards COP15; experiences from the ground; and explore the reasons why young people’s views should be be an integral part of the CBD decision-making process.

The objective of the event was to extend a platform for young people to make their voices heard at one of the main CBD bodies, and at a milestone on the way to the post-2020 biodiversity framework. It provided the opportunity to present the advancement of the project’s work as regards to youth, and particularly the outcomes of the Intergenerational Equity expert meeting and Paris Peace Forum to CBD Parties and other stakeholders…

The Global Youth Biodiversity Network presented its many achievements in mobilizing young people at regional (Latin America and Caribbean; ASEAN; Europe) and CBD level (OEWG1). The presentations highlighted young people’s will to contribute to the definition and implementation of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework, and showed why their voices needed to be heard by decision-makers.

The speakers also introduced an innovative series of partnerships with key stakeholders in youth mobilization. By cooperating with the Nordic Youth Council, the Man and the Biosphere Youth Network, CBD Parties and Regional Organizations, GYBN develops a stronger, more operational and integrated youth network, able to build an effective strategy on the road to Kunming.

Future generations should have the same access to resources and ecological services as we have, if not better. This is the heart of intersectionality and intergenerational equity, which should be integrated in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Amelia Arreguín Prado, Mexican Youth Biodiversity Network

GYBN presented the outcomes of the first Youth Leadership Dialogue and its goal of uniting a Youth Alliance across constituencies, for COP15 and beyond. Attendees (CBD Parties, regional organizations, civil society, and other stakeholders) reacted very positively to the announcement, especially in the perspective of breaking the biodiversity silo.
The Network also offered insights on the various advocacy and campaigns streams youth movements will implement in the 10 months remaining before Kunming 2020. This includes a set of coordinated actions at national, regional and international levels.

#BiodiversityNeedsYouTH was launched in the presence of CBD Parties and other representatives. The campaign’s goals were highlighted thanks to a video illustrating how cross-constituency youth alliances could bring about strength, advocacy and transformational change. Common advocacy the promotion of the concept of intergenerational equity in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework were show as #BiodiversityNeedsYouTH’s core theme.

Watch the official movie of our “BiodiversityNeedsYouTH!” campaign!


Read our position paper on Youth mobilization !

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