
Post 2020 Local and Subnational Government Information Webinars #13

Reflecting on the journey since 2010
This webinar reflected on the journey since 2010 and provided an overview of achievements linked to the Plan of Action on Subnational Governments, Cities and Other Local Authorities for Biodiversity.

With the support of the “Post2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support” project, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center holds monthly webinars to keep the local and subnational government constituency, networks, and partners up to date on key milestones and the participatory preparation process of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework on the roadmap to COP 15.

The webinar echoed the participatory approach that the “Post2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support” project promotes building on local and subnational mobilization legacy and bringing together all initiatives and achievements in a single document, to help shape an inclusive global biodiversity framework for the coming decade.

The Convention on Biological Diversity Decision X/22 provided a bedrock for local and subnational governments. It has the potential to influence their role and recognition in the Post2020 Biodiversity framework if disseminated widely and appropriately at COP15.”  Kobie Brandt, Global Director, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC)

This virtual meeting provided participants with insight on the document “Overview Of Achievements Following The Adoption Of Decision X/22 – The Plan Of Action On Subnational Governments, Cities And Other Local Authorities For Biodiversity” freshly released by ICLEI. It includes a short history leading to the adoption of the decision, a non-exhaustive summary of the achievements linked to this decision – all listed in the annex (other CBD decisions, global organizations and academia contributions, international funding instruments program and projects, etc.), and recommendations. Those achievements make a strong case for a new, dedicated and stepped-up decision, building on a renewed Plan of Action for Local and Subnational Governments towards 2030.

We need the world to adopt a new dedicated decision recognizing the pivotal role they should play in implementing the next GBF. It can be a new plan of action, or one embedded in the decision. We have to build on all the initiatives at all levels, including CitieswithNature which tracks local progress in mainstreaming nature.”  Kobie Brandt

The webinar put into perspective the local and subnational governments engagement through several of its historical achievers voices including :

  • Kobie Brand- Global Director, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center (CBC)
  • Oliver Hillel- Programme Officer, Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (SCBD)
  • Susanne Nolden-Department of International Affairs and Global Sustainability, City of Bonn, Germany
  • Grant Pearsell- Director and member of City Planning’s leadership team, City of Edmonton (retired)

Additional inputs to the document “Overview Of Achievements Following The Adoption Of Decision X/22 -The Plan Of Action On Subnational Governments, Cities And Other Local Authorities For Biodiversity” can be submitted by 15 August 2020 on this link.

Register to the next webinar by clicking on the links below: 

Watch all ICLEI’s Post 2020 webinars here.

 Check ICLEI’s Local and Subnational Engagement Platform here.

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