On the roadmap to CBD COP 15, ICLEI CBC provided a recap of SBSTTA24 and SBI-3 ongoing formal sessions running from May 3rd to June 16th, 2021. In the midst of this important negotiation time, network partners of local and subnational governments including the Group of Leading Subnational Governments toward Aichi Biodiversity Targets, European Committee of the Regions, Region4, Scottish governments, etc. participate and coordinate joint statements. One was made on item 3 on the Post 2020 Global Diversity Framework this week. However, there will not be any L-documents adopted at SBI or SBSTTA but it will be deferred to a later date at a physical meeting. The webinar also came as an opportunity to announce and promote the first Action Agenda Newsletter on Biodiversity Commitments released by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity and call on participants to join the 175 signatories of the Edinburgh Declaration.
“One of our key objective is to improve the landscape. Turning policy into practical action : It is about working with citizens to co-develop solutions, suitability and opportunity for Nature Based Solutions – a smarter answer” Dave Barlow, Senior Policy Officer, Manchester City Council’s Environment
Across the 2nd part of the webinar, several cities and regions profiled their actions to overcome nature-related challenges building a positive narrative of hope and solidarity echoing the theme “We are part of the solution” to engage with citizens around nature within the city and turn policy into practical action. Inspirational models were presented including the green infrastructure plan for Capetown to mainstream biodiversity in the city spatial development framework, the Biodiversity Parks of Delhi as global models for Urban environmental sustainability and resilience, Manchester’s green and blue infrastructure strategy.
“With a green infrastructure plan for Cape town, we lead an attempt to mainstream biodiversity and the green infrastructures in the city spatial development framework “ Lorraine Gerrans, Head of Sustainable Partnerships and Financing in the Environmental Management Department, City of Cape Town
As the world continues to grapple with the pandemic, Biodiversity Day 2021 is once again celebrated virtually. All those policies initiatives will be showcased online through the “Wave of Solidarity: Messages for the International Day for Biological Diversity” platform coordinated by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
“To provide environmental sustainability that ensures quality of life, we must bring back the lost natural heritage in the urban matrix through green-blue infrastructures. “ Biodiversity Parks of Delhi as global models for Urban environmental sustainability and resilience, Prof. CR Babu, University of Dehli (CEMDE)
With the support of the Post 20202 Biodiversity Framework.EU support project, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center holds monthly webinars to keep the local and subnational government constituency, networks, and partners up to date on key milestones and the participatory preparation process of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework on the roadmap to COP 15.
“It is about turning to nature, because no other place is safe.” Esmeralda Byberi, Directorate of Free Trade Zones, Foreign Investments and Diaspora, Tirana
In partnership with the Global Taksforce of Local and Regional Governments and the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support project, these webinars run by ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center help echoing and organizing the voice of local and subnational governments in the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) for advancing the Action Agenda for Nature and People and in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) development process.
Register now to the coming webinars by clicking here :
- 3 June 2021
- 1 July 2021
Watch ICLEI’s Post 2020 webinars here
Check ICLEI’s Local and Subnational Engagement Platform here