
Post2020 Partnership: key messages for delivering an equitable, carbon-neutral, nature-positive world

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Achieving an equitable, nature-positive, carbon-neutral world
The Post-2020 Partnership hosted one of the five big Pavilions at the IUCN World Conservation Congress in Marseille, last September. The six-day programme addressed critical issues in the ongoing post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) negotiations and identified the ambition gaps and solutions for redressing them before the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) COP-15.

The programme of the Post2020 Pavilion in Marseille was inclusive of all stakeholders and balanced in terms of region, gender, youth, Indigenous Peoples, local communities, non-conservation organisations, and business and finance. Each session was tracked according to these criteria to ensure the full inclusion of all stakeholders. Indeed, over the six days, we had over 120 speakers from 60 countries, with over 61% women, 57% from the Global South, 17% representing Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs), and 8% youth.

By drawing on the unique expertise of the diverse Partnership and the comprehensive line-up of world-renowned experts, the Partnership endeavored to generate deeper analysis of the underlying problems and solutions that could equip CBD negotiators and political leaders to drive the highest level of ambition in the remaining negotiations.

Outcome Document

This Outcome Document is the formal record of the six days of virtual and onsite sessions of the Post-2020 Partnership Pavilion. It is not a negotiated consensus document, but instead it summarises the NINE top messages that were generated from the detailed Daily Updates. Each message is elaborated with substantive input from the sessions and accompanied by direct quotes from the main speakers.

  • Message 1: We are in a “red alert” situation: A decisive decade ahead
  • Message 2: We need a transformative shift in our relationship with nature
  • Message 3: Human rights must be integrated throughout the GBF
  • Message 4: Many solutions for the nature crisis lie in the unique knowledge of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities who guard, steward and protect nature
  • Message 5: We also have a moral duty to youth and to future generations
  • Message 6: We won’t be successful in reversing biodiversity loss unless we tackle the key drivers. Transformative change is urgently needed to our agriculture and food systems, built environment, extractives and energy sectors
  • Message 7: We need to change the movement of money
  • Message 8: The mobilisation of the whole of society is essential for the successful implementation of the GBF
  • Message 9: We also need a whole-of-planet, whole-of-government approach to ensure successful implementation of the GBF

Communiqué to High Level Segment – COP15 Part 1

Once the outcome document was approved, the following step was for the Post-2020 Partnership Core Group to transpose the messages into a communiqué supported by 4 NGOs (Birdlife, WWF, Conservation International & WCS) that was presented to the High-Level Segment of CBD COP-15.

This communiqué was shared with the diplomatic community participating in the high-level segment of the first part of CBD COP-15 in Kunming (October 11 to 15, 2021).

It emphasizes the crucial importance to not fail in this unmissable opportunity to agree on an ambitious post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF) and that the GBF must include a clear, measurable mission of being nature-positive by 2030, and of halting and reversing nature loss towards an equitable, nature-positive and carbon-neutral world for all.

The communiqué outlines:

  • The Global challenge:
    • The science is now unequivocal that we are in a red-alert situation
    • Drivers of loss are not being properly addressed
    • Money is flowing in the wrong direction
    • Equity and rights are not adequately considered
  • The Action needed:
    • Time for transformative change
    • Create a new conservation approach
    • Effective protected and conserved areas are critical
  • The need to catalyse the shift towards an equitable, nature-positive and carbon-neutral world:
    • Nature-positive and carbon-neutral are two sides of the same “coin”
    • We need a whole-of-society approach
    • We need an urgent nature-positive economic transition
    • Joined up implementation approaches are key Intergenerational and gender equity are critically important
    • The rights and responsibilities of IPLCs must be embedded throughout the GBF
    • An equitable world is one that prioritises the human right to a healthy environment

Some of its key messages were reflected in Patricia Zurita, Birdlife CEO’s address during the closing of the High Level Segment on the 13th of October.

We must seize this opportunity and impose nature at the heart of inclusive, sustainable and just nature-positive economies by collectively closing the biodiversity finance gap…”

The communiqué concludes that we must all work together to ensure that the high level of political ambition that has been articulated by political leaders at the recent UN General Assembly is reflected in a Global Biodiversity Framework that will truly succeed in creating an equitable, nature-positive and carbon-neutral future for all.

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