#StopTheSame! for youth, biodiversity and our future! “What got us here won’t take us forward. It is high time to stop the same, change and help all of us – the planet and people – achieve sustainable, equitable, just and healthy lives.” On the occasion of International Day for Biological Diversity 2021, GYBN mobilized youth across the world to call for a shift in Nature governance. #DiversityRocks. Get informed | |
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| "Reforming is a challenge, but it is one that government can overcome." Jacqueline Cottrell (Green Budget Germany) gives her insights on the key outcomes of the publication on reforming biodiversity-harmful subsidies. Watch the teaser |
| "So what our tax policies essentially tell us is that we do not care about biodiversity. There is potential to scale these [tax policies] up, while also protecting the poorest and most vulnerable." Angel Gurría, OECD Secretary General Read |
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"Optimized approach can be up to 13 times more cost-effective." Bernardo B.N Strassburg gives us an account of the upcoming publication focusing on Ecosystems Restoration. Watch the teaser |
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| International day for biodiversity: South Africa & Team Europe are part of the solution! Held on May 21st, this online event, attended by over 400 participants, was organized by South African and European partners to contribute to the celebration of the International Biodiversity Day, under the theme ‘We’re part of the solution’, as defined by the Convention on Biodiversity. It aimed to develop their dialogue and cooperation for the post-2020 Global Framework for Biodiversity, making further use of the strategic partnership South Africa-EU for nature. Get informed |
| Lead the Green Change! The European Union in India launched a nation-wide campaign for Nature Focused on awareness-raising, the private sector, climate and health in India, the initiative under the “Biodiversity means LIFE – Green is living in harmony with Nature” umbrella is highlighting the role of biodiversity across sectors and for sustainable development. Launched in April 2021, Lead the Green Change offers a wide variety of activities on the path to CBD COP15. Get informed |
| Costa Rica’s CBD delegation Webinar series From 15 April to 12 May 21, as a follow-up to activities lead under Costa Rica + Natura, the Costa Rican delegation to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) has engaged in a set of 4 webinars addressing key technical issues under discussion to define the country’s position in the Post 2020 biodiversity framework negotiation. Get informed |
| Green Diplomacy Event EU-Kenya From 11-12 May, the EU-Kenya Green Diplomacy took place and discussed Kenya's Green diplomacy agenda and EU priorities for climate and biodiversity COPs. Participants explored how to work together now and in the future for the earth's climate and biodiversity. Get informed |
| Towards a common youth position on the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Network The Global Youth Biodiversity network rolls out an international campaign of consultations aimed at gathering young people’ ambitions, aspirations and demands to world leaders as the road to Kunming opens. National consultations and intergenerational dialogues will be held throughout the first semester of 2021, and consolidated in a common Youth Position in coherence with the Youth Manifesto for Nature. Get informed |
| Peru’s multilevel dialogue on the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework This ICLEI initiative promotes the dialogue between levels of government in the framework of the roadmap of subnational & local governments for COP15. On 27 May 2021, the dialogue brought together a range of stakeholders from the various levels of government in Peru (Regional Government of Loreto, City of Lima, including the Ministry of Environment of Peru (MINAM) and international partners (EU Delegation to Peru, CBD, UN Habitat, GIZ Protected Areas Project). Get informed |
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| Financing greener cities for the future we want The ‘Financing greener cities for the future we want’ session took the form of a round table discussion, which brought finance experts, investors and city representatives together to engage and share insights on innovative finance approaches, products and solutions that cities could access to accelerate investment and transition in green and blue infrastructure, a green recovery, and green procurement, in order to restore ecosystems and their contribution to people and protect biodiversity. Get informed |
| Post 2020 Local and Subnational Government Information#23 – Cities and regions’ solutions to global nature-related challenges On the month of the International Biodiversity Day, this webinar highlighted what actions cities and regions are taking in line with its theme "We are part of the solution" and updated participants on the post-2020 roadmap to CBD COP 15. Invited panelists included representatives from the cities of Capetown (South Africa), New Dehli (India), Manchester (United Kingdom) and Tirana (Albania). Get informed |
| The Economist Intelligence Unit Report: “Ecowakening” is under way! Produced by The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), and commissioned by WWF - spanning 54 countries that hold 80% of the world's population - the EIU report shows that a growing number of people are concerned about our relationship with nature, and are changing their ways and demanding more radical action to protect our one home. Get informed |
| Strengthening equity in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework This guide released by the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) is intended to support Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity who wish to see strengthened equity provisions in the draft GBF. Read the guide here. |
| World Environment Day On the 5th of June, join a #GenerationRestoration event for World Environment Day & show your support for ecosystems & livelihoods! More information here. |
| 3 June, Post 2020 Local and Subnational Government Information Webinar In keeping with this theme, and harnessing the momentum of the UN Decade on Ecosystem Restoration, ICLEI's webinar will be titled "Rising to the restoration challenge" where we intend to showcase how cities and regions are preventing, halting and reversing the degradation of ecosystems worldwide. Register here. |
| 4 June, The Road from Sharm El-Sheikh to Kunming – Restoration in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework Biodiversity leaders will gather for a high-level panel event to build ambition for ecosystem restoration in the post-2020 framework. Register here. |
14-24 June, IPBES virtual plenary session The plenary of the Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services Eighth session will be held from 14 to 24 June 2021. More information here |
| 15-16 June, European Development Days The European Development Days will be convened on 15-16 June 2021 in a fully digital format. The 14 th edition reaffirms its focus on ‘The Green Deal for a Sustainable Future’. Our Project will host an Agora discussion, “From conservation to transformative change for biodiversity. On the road to CBD COP15”, and materials will be available at a virtual booth. More information here. |
| 22-23-29-30 June, IUCN Local Action Summit webinars In the run up to the IUCN WCC Local Action Summit, to be held on September 3rd, four webinars will be held by IUCN. The first three webinars will focus on nature-based solutions within specific territories: extraordinary nature, ordinary nature, and urban nature. The fourth webinar will address on the finance and governance of these matters. These will show what Subnational and Local Governments are doing, how they evaluate their action, and how to ensure that these exemplary actions are generalized to accelerate momentum and build together the Future we want. More information here. |
| 24 June, Mexico’s multi-level dialogue on the post 2020 biodiversity framework Scheduled on 24 June 2021, the dialogue will feature Mexican States (Mexico DF, Guanajuato, Quintana Roo, Durango, Yucatan) and cities (Merida, Toluca, Aguascalientes, San Nicolas de los Garza) eager to share their best practices and the challenges they face in implementing biodiversity policies locally. They will engage with national representatives of SEMARNAT and CONABIO to bring their contribution to the definition of the Mexican position on the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework. Get informed |
| 25 June, Colombia’s multi-level dialogue on the post 2020 biodiversity framework Ahead of the Open-Ended Working Group 3 (OEWG3) which Colombia is to host, the country will lead a multilevel dialogue on the post 2020 biodiversity framework on 25 June 2021. Organized in partnership with the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework - EU Support project partners, ICLEI Cities Biodiversity Center and ICLEI South American Secretariat, the dialogue is part of a vertical dialogue series organized in 6 project partner countries across May, June and July 2021. Get informed |
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