Get a first taste of our new publication with this teaser of "Expertise on # 7" on Nature-Based Solutions, featuring McKenna Davis, Senior Fellow at the Ecologic Institute - Berlin. Watch
“Nature is our best ally in the fight against climate change, and that’s why nature-based solutions will help us deliver the (...)" Read
On 31 January, in Eswatini, delegates from the European Union and a group of representatives of the African Group of Negotiators on Biodiversity met for a dialogue to share their perspectives, with observers from WWF, AWF, and IDDRI.Read
Congratulations to Melina Sakiyama for her MIDORI Prize for biodiversity, 26 August
Inspiring and fully committing to youth empowerment and the fight against biodiversity loss, Melina Sakiyama has just been awarded with the CBD MIDORI Prize for Biodiversity! Get informed
Costa Rica engages in a dedicated working session on integrating transformative change, 27 August
Costa Rica delegation has engaged in a dedicated working session on integrating transformative change in the country’s positions for the Post 2020 biodiversity framework negotiation. Get informed
The WCC Post-2020 Pavilion Virtual Biodiversity Dialogue Series consisted of ten virtual sessions that addressed a wide range of issues related to the Post-2020 negotiations. These virtual sessions were convened from June 17th to July 30th 2020 and collectively created a platform to unite Post-2020 Pavilion Partners to deepen collective thinking in the run-up to the IUCN World Conservation Congress 2021, to the CBD COP15 and beyond!
Read the summaries of the 10 sessions hereand thesynthesis of the key insights here !
Preparing for the UNGA Biodiversity Summit, 30 July
Reviewing key messages generated during the Virtual Biodiversity Dialogues. Get informed
Intergenerational Equity and the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, 17 July
Reflecting over how intra- and intergenerational equity can be further integrated into the post-2020 global biodiversity framework Get informed
The Role of Protected and Conserved Areas in Achieving Global Conservation Goals, 16 July
Exploring the importance of protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures at scale for achieving the Apex Goals in the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Get informed
Global Goal for Nature: Nature Positive by 2030, 15 July
Making concrete recommendations for improving biodiversity targets. Get informed
Synergies between the Post-2020 GBF and other key global processes, 10 July
Deepening understanding about the opportunities and challenges for enhancing coordination cooperation and synergies between key global processes to deliver the objectives of the Post-2020 framework at both the global and national level. Get informed
Driving transformative change for high ambition in the post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, 9 July
Exploring the transformative change needed to position a new relationship with nature. Get informed
Mainstreaming Impacts and Dependencies in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, 8 July
Deepening understanding of the challenges and opportunities for mainstreaming nature into business and finance. Get informed
Transforming the Financial System to Eliminate Nature Loss, 7 July
Achieving a systemic change in finance for nature under the Post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Get informed
Political Opportunities and Challenges for Securing High Ambition in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, 30 June
Deepening collective understanding of the key political dynamics that are underpinning the Post-2020 negotiations. Get informed
Addressing Biodiversity Drivers of Loss in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, 17 June
Identifying the key measures needed in the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework to bend the curve of biodiversity loss. Get informed
ICLEI Webinar #15 – "Towards a green recovery and lessons learned from nature in the context of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework”, 20 August
Building a green recovery and lessons learned from nature in the context of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework. Get informed
ICLEI Webinar #14 – "Outcomes of the Edinburgh Process: What’s next for cities and regions?", 23 July
Reflecting on the Edinburgh Process and the strength of global partnerships for local and subnational action on nature. Get informed
Young leaders driving transformative change: working together for youth-positive post-2020 commitment
Our project will keep supporting GYBN and other youth networks in their efforts to implement an ambitious roadmap for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework. Get informed
Defining Costa Rica's ambition for the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework, 25 June - 10 July
Reflecting on the challenges of Aichi targets implementation as part of Costa Rica biodiversity strategy. Get informed
UNESCO MAB Webinar Series: Youth Advocacy, 30 July
Exploring the role of youth in bridging the present and future of biosphere reserves. Get informed
IPBES workshop on biodiversity and pandemics, 27-31 July
Discussing the interlinkages between biodiversity and health with regard to pandemics. Get informed