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Two years after the adoption of the Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), COP16 in Cali, Colombia will gather participants from over 190 countries, governments, observer organizations, indigenous communities, businesses, financial institutions, youth, civil society, academia, media and the general public in the official Blue Zone, and the Green Zone open to the public. From October 21st to November 1st, this major Biodiversity-event will take stock of progress on the preparation of targets and updating of national biodiversity strategies and action plans (NBSAPs) by Parties in line with The Biodiversity Plan. |
COP16 will include a High-level segment, official side events, a business and Biodiversity Forum, a City Summit, an IPLC Summit, as well as a series of side-events. Our project is currently working on giving the floor to partner countries, stakeholders and civil society representatives to present their achievements and views on progress to implement the 4 GBF goals and its 23 targets. |
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Youth Catalogue – Young Africans Implementing The Biodiversity Plan In June, we supported the participation of our partners from GYBN Africa and African Wildlife Foundation (AWF) hosting an event at the IUCN Youth Pre-Forum of the Africa Conservation Forum, in Nairobi. During this cultural night, African youth presented the joint brochure, entitled “From Paper to Action: African Youth implementing The Biodiversity Plan”. The catalogue contains 10 projects coming from 9 African countries. It was designed to showcase the willingness of African Youth in implementing The Biodiversity Plan and as a call to action to partners and funders to support and fund youth-led actions. In the words of Simangele Msweli, Senior Manager of the Youth Program at AWF, “The contribution of youth in environmental action is often reduced to all talk but no action and this publication is testament to the role of youth in championing ground action and specifically implementing the 4 goals and 23 targets of the Biodiversity Plan.” Read here. |
S4D Summit: Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together for a Better Future. Sport is proving to be a powerful driver for development and transformative change, transcending national and cultural borders.It is also an important lever to implement The Biodiversity Plan, especially by mobilizing the whole of society as pointed out in Target 22. On the eve of the Paris Olympic Games, France hosted the first evert Sport for Sustainable Development (S4SD) Summit: Faster, Higher, Stronger – Together for a Better Future, hosted by the French Agency for Development (AFD). It was an occasion to remind us that sports are more than just a physical activity, they embody universal values and act as a powerful lever for sustainable development and the preservation of nature. Read here. |
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Enhancing Sustainable Finance Instruments Within Brazil’s G20 Presidency Sustainable Finance Taxonomies and Disclosure play a crucial role in mobilizing finance for biodiversity and ecosystem protection and restoration in G20 countries. As the global community prepares for COP16 in Colombia, we support our partners Climate & Company in the organization of a webinar to discuss the main barriers to making sustainable finance taxonomies work in G20 countries. The online-event will facilitate an exchange of the lessons learned and provide concrete recommendations for the inclusion of biodiversity and social aspects into financial instruments. Register here. |
Rangers at the heart of the 30x30 Target Rangers can directly or indirectly contribute to the implementation of more than 50% of the targets set in The Biodiversity Plan. They are key to ensure that protected areas and OECMs* are under participatory, integrated, inclusive and effective management for the benefit of Nature and People. This year, the 10th World Ranger Congress (WRC) will be held in Hyères, in the South of France, from 7 to 11 October 2024. The Congress is organised by Gardes Nature de France and the International Ranger Federation (IRF) and will focus on the contributions and developments of the ranger profession, to achieve Target 3, the 30x30 Target of The Biodiversity Plan. Learn more here. |
Integrating biodiversity into agri-food systems in Morocco The closing workshop of the ‘Integrating Biodiversity into Agri-Food Systems’ Initiative in Morocco held in July aimed to identify the training and capacity-building needs of the Souss Massa region, rich in biodiversity and with a considerable agricultural potential. Our local partners, including representatives from the Moroccan Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development and PAGE initiative, gathered to discuss the challenges and opportunities for better incorporating biodiversity into agriculture and to draw up a concrete and ambitious roadmap, in line with Target 10 of The Biodiversity Plan. Learn more here. |
Strengthening capacities for implementing The Biodiversity Plan in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) As countries in Latin America and the Caribbean move into the implementation phase of The Biodiversity Plan, there is a set of challenges that need to be addressed, especially on how to mainstream biodiversity throughout productive, economic and finance sectors. Through the project “Strategic support for the early implementation of the GBF in LAC Region”, ECLAC and the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support project, took advantage of ECLAC’s expertise, knowledge and established a toolkit, serving as a practical and inspiring infrastructure to reinforce capacities of countries and stakeholders in the LAC region to better prepare for a proactive implementation of The Biodiversity Plan. |
This Toolkit for Mainstreaming Biodiversity in Development Planning in Latin America and the Caribbean seeks to support the implementation of The Biodiversity Plan. It is aimed at all public and private actors involved in sectoral policy planning and decision-making processes at all governmental and territorial levels. The resources compiled to build this toolbox include: information resources, publications, methodological tools, databases, case reviews, analysis exercises and diagnoses that reflect the views of experts from different areas. Learn more here. |
| The Biodiversity Plan & the BBNJ Agreement: Synergies on Capacity Building and transfer of Marine TechnologyTo support the effective implementation of The Biodiversity Plan and the High Seas Treaty on conservation and sustainable use of marine biodiversity of areas beyond national jurisdiction (BBNJ Agreement), synergies and complementarities between both frameworks must be highlighted. In force for over 30 years, the CBD can inform the set-up and implementation of the new BBNJ Agreement, particularly regarding capacity building and transfer of marine technology. Learn more in this publication. |
| From fields to forests: Sports’ role in Biodiversity Protection More than just a physical activity, sport embodies universal values and acts as a powerful lever for sustainable development and the preservation of nature. Opened to everyone, it is also a powerful lever for mobilising the whole-of-society (Target 22 of The Biodiversity Plan), bringing people together around the same values, such as cooperation and dialogue, social well-being and inclusiveness, equality and justice, and of course health, which is inextricably linked to nature and the planet we live on. Sport can have significant impacts on biodiversity, through the construction and use of sports venues and the staging of sporting events… but it could also be a tool to champion nature and contribute to its protection and restoration. Learn more in our publication co-released with Sports for Nature - IUCN, Play for Nature and Fair Play for Planet. |
| Learn more from a dedicated video, available on our YouTube channel! |
| Oportunidades y sinergias para la implementación del Plan para la Biodiversidad en América Latina y el Caribe Experts from Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), representatives of subnational and local governments, academia, IPLCs and international organisations, discussed challenges, opportunities and tools for implementing The Biodiversity Plan as well as policy planning and monitoring processes on the issues of development planning, climate change and the transition of agriculture towards sustainability. Read here the conclusions of this long-term collaborative work. |
| Mainstreaming Gender in The Biodiversity Plan – Experiences from the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support Project The Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support project successfully promoted women's participation and leadership in biodiversity-related actions, policies, and decision-making processes. This led to productive partnerships with organizations such as the CBD Women’s Caucus, the Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas - ECMIA, the African Wildlife Foundation, and WWF International, which are working to mainstream gender in The Biodiversity Plan and increase visibility for women involved in its implementation. Read here. |
| The Summit of the Future UN September 22 – 23 The UN Summit is a high-level event, bringing world leaders together to forge a new international consensus on how we deliver a better present and safeguard the future. This once-in-a-generation opportunity serves as a moment to mend eroded trust and demonstrate that international cooperation can effectively achieve agreed goals and tackle emerging threats and opportunities. More here. |
| International Food Waste Awareness Day September 29 Globally, around 13.2% of food produced is lost between harvest and retail, while an estimated 19% of total global food production is wasted in households, in the food service and in retail all together. This International Day of Awareness of Food Loss and Waste 2024 will highlight the critical need for financing to bolster efforts to reduce food loss and waste, contribute to preserve natural resources, achieving climate goals and advancing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. More here. |
| Nature for Life Hub 2024 September 30 - October 3 The Nature for Life Hub is a leading virtual event and global communications campaign hosted annually by UNDP and its partners. The aim is to put nature at the heart of sustainable development by convening world leaders, businesses, NGOs, Indigenous Peoples, youth leaders and activists to take ambitious action. Our project will take part at the hub, so do not hesitate to visit and have a look. Learn more. |
| Global Nature Positive Summit 8 -10 October, Gadigal Country, Sydney, AustraliaThe Global Nature Positive Summit will accelerate collective action to drive investment in nature and strengthen activities to protect and repair our environment. It will bring together leaders from governments, corporate sectors, research and environmental organisations and Indigenous Peoples. At the Summit, leaders will explore effective ways to realise global commitments under the Biodiversity Plan. The event will build understanding of changes required to systems and settings to value nature and address biodiversity loss. Learn more. |
| World Habitat Day October 7 World Habitat Day is aimed at raising awareness about the importance of sustainable urban development, adequate housing, and access to basic amenities. This annual event provides an opportunity to reflect on the state of our cities and towns and to advocate for positive changes that promote better living conditions for all, including the integration of biodiversity in our cities and habitats. World Habitat Day calls for action to address housing challenges, urban inequality, and environmental sustainability. Learn more here. |
| IUCN Leaders Forum October 8-10The IUCN Leaders Forum gathers leaders and change-makers from around the world, in-person, to discuss innovative solutions to critical global challenges, make bold commitments, build partnerships and catalyse action for impactfull change in nature conservation and sustainability. The IUCN LF is a unique platform where leaders in environmental science and conservation meet directly with business leaders to interact on the immediate actions that must be taken together to achieve global sustainability and a livable planet for people and nature. Learn more about the event here. |
| | Interviews | Road to COP16 | Following the adoption of the Global Biodiversity Framework (also known as The Biodiversity Plan) in Montreal in 2022, the CBD COP 16 in Cali will be a major milestone and an occasion to take stock of what nations, communities and organisations have achieved to get closer to the accomplishment of The Biodiversity Plan. Hear from some of our partners, collaborators and allies as they share their expectations and hopes for transformative change in the run-up to this major Biodiversity event. |
| | Interviews | Priority next steps to implement The Biodiversity Plan With only 6 years left to achieve the objectives of The Biodiversity Plan and in view of the upcoming COP16, we asked our partners and collaborators from various sectors and geographies - what they consider to be the priority next steps to achieve the goals set in Montreal in December 2022. Representatives of both public and private sectors, of civil society, local communities, youth, researchers and NGOs shared their views. Find out their thoughts and hopes for transformative change for nature. |
Disclaimer This is funded by the European Union. Its contents are the sole responsibility of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework - EU Support project and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Union. |  |
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