
Nature For Life Hub 2021

Nature for life 2021
Transforming our relationship with nature – for the Sustainable Development Goals, the Paris Agreement, and a nature-positive future, for people and the planet.
Humanity must urgently transform its relationship with nature if we are to avoid potentially catastrophic environmental, economic and social consequences for future generations, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) warned as it launched its three-day virtual “Nature for Life Hub.”

Representatives from governments, international organizations, civil society, academia, local and indigenous communities and the private sector participated online to agree on a common agenda that lays the foundations for a ‘decade of hope and transformation’ for humanity and the environment.

Featuring activists, influencers, leaders, and businesses, the virtual Nature For Life hub organized by UNDP took audiences on various thematic journeys, delving deep into specialist topics, practical solutions and ambitious actions that are paving a path towards a nature-positive future.

Humanity is pushing our planet to a breaking point. But there is still time to act. From governments and businesses to local communities around the world, we are seeing a wholesale shift in awareness that we need to dramatically change our relationship with the planet, and we need to put nature at the heart of everything we do. The Nature for Life Hub helps raise ambition and hope for the essential transformations we need now.” Achim Steiner, UNDP

This decade should be the decade we reconcile our lives and economies with nature.H.E Zac Goldschmidt, Minister for the Environment UK

We must EACH take stock of how this crisis affects us and how WE’re affecting the crisis. Are we contributing to biodiversity loss and climate change or are we contributing to the solution?Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Club de Rome

Day One – Transforming our Relationship with the Planet

This day highlighted the urgent need to protect and restore biodiversity, safeguard the rights of Indigenous peoples, celebrate local action, and put nature at the heart of sustainable development, in order to build a planetary safety net for humanity.

“This is not about stopping everything. This is about creating a better future where we can carry a successful and prosperous life for all.” Basile Van Havre, Co-Chair CBD Open Ended Working Group negotiating Global Biodiversity Framework

We are going to need data that is global, but also data that is coming from the local level, in terms of local use and local value of biodiversity.” Basile Van Havre

We have this ocean of data but drops of information. So how do we put this data together and get intel out of it? That is the next step.” Inger Andersen, UNDP Executive Director


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Day Two – Transforming Production, From the Ground Up

This day focused on the need to transform how we grow and trade in commodities, especially those with the biggest impacts on the planet, and on the need to reposition communities at the heart of sustainable production.

We are challenging nature and nature is challenging us. To make Food Systems fit for purpose for todays’ reality we must first take few steps back.” Marco Sanchez, UNDP

How do we feed an increasing population in a way that replenishes our natural capital? We do it by balancing our FoodSystem with Nature.Tina Birmpili, UNCCCD

Nature-positive supply chains begin with nature-positive businesses.  It is important that sustainable practices are accessible to ALL businesses, especially SMALLER ones.Pamela Coke-Hamilton, International Trace Center

MSMEs (Micro Small and Medium Enterprises) are representing 90% of world employment. They fuel our economy, and they need new financial models to unlock their full potential.

We are spending almost $700bn a year in subsidizing agriculture production by using more fertilizers, water & land to produce stable food crops. These subsidies are not sustainable.” Shenggen FanChair Professor of China Agricultural University


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Towards net zero nature-positive food system, putting the farmer at the center of the ecosystem of design and development for the support that is needed.Lisa Sweet, WEF

Day Three -Toward a Nature-Positive Future

This day focused on the transformations required to align public and private finance with a nature-positive, and to undertake the transformations urgently needed now for a decade of action.

70% of infectious diseases are zoonosis. 56% of GHGs emissions are taken up by nature. To stop future pandemics or mitigate climate debt, we rely on nature.” Johan Rockstrom, Postdam Institute

 The private sector has an important role to play, but the public sector is far from realizing its true potential.” Onno van den Heuvel, UNDP Biofin

We need to mobilize public resources more efficiently and align public finance in the right direction.” B.Susantono, Asian Development Bank

Sessions of the day focused on:

Nature-positive means halting and reversing biodiversity loss by 2030. Nature-positive is now a movement.” Diane holdorf, WBCSD

We need to phase-out public investments, subsidies and incentives that contribute to biodiversity loss, climate change and pollution.” Carlos Manuel, GEF

“50 years after Stockholm, 30 years after the Rio Conventions: it is time for companies to move to an equitable, carbon neutral, nature-positive future.” Akanksha Khatri, WEF

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The private sector has an important role to play, but the public sector is far from realizing its true potential.” Onno van den Heuvel, UNDP Biofin

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The only way forward is to shift our economic and financial systems to value people, planet and Prosperity together.Sandrine Dixson-Declève, Club of Rome

The Nature For Life Hub ended with some inspiring claims from youth representatives including from the Global Youth Biodiversity Network: Kevin Lunzalu, Swetha Stotra Bhashyam, Andrea Morales.

Let’s create a world that does not have inequity between generations, let’s ensure we uphold the rights of indigenous people and the rights of nature.Swetha Stotra Bhashyam, GYBN

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