By diminishing nature, we are diminishing our resilience and our very future. This set of sessions takes a closer look at how protecting, restoring and sustainably managing nature can help us achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, especially those related to climate, health, security, water, jobs and livelihoods.
First, the Nature for Climate session explored why and how nature – natural and managed ecosystems – are an essential strategy for mitigating climate change. Nearly a quarter of all global greenhouse gases stem from land use, including the conversion of forests into agriculture, destruction of mangrove forests, the draining of peatlands, and unsustainable agricultural practices, among other practices. However, protecting, restoring and sustainably managing the worlds ecosystems could provide more than a third of our climate mitigation solution. This session focused on the importance of nature as a climate solution, and highlights steps that governments and local communities can take to place nature at the heart of their climate action.
Second, the session on Nature for Health and Security explored various dimensions of nature’s contribution to health, security and wellbeing, with a focus on “One Health Approach,” and will chart a pathway toward a safer, healthier, more secure future for all. Whether by providing security from natural disasters, helping us prevent the next pandemic, providing communities with water for sanitation and with nutritious foods, or providing a respite to an increasingly urban world, nature is essential to our health and wellbeing.
“It’s time for a global collective response. The future of future generations lies in our hands.” Elizabeth Mrema, CBD Executive Secretary
The Nature for Water session explored the various dimensions of how nature-based solutions can build long-term water security and why this matters over the next 30 years to address and manage future shocks. The session provided examples and best practices from around the world in integrating nature into national water management plans, and showed how businesses are integrating nature-based solutions into their water stewardship plans. Nature plays a fundamental role in ensuring that the world’s 7.6 billion people have enough water to drink, grow food and maintain sanitary conditions. Yet we are facing a global water crisis, with 1 out of 3 people living without safe drinking water. By 2050, up to 5.7 billion people could be facing some level of water scarcity, which will inevitably have an adverse impact on the enjoyment of human rights.
Finally in the session Nature for Prosperity, several keynote speakers focused on the various dimensions of nature-based livelihoods, and the constraints and pressures facing these livelihoods around the world.
“Their is no people prosperity without planet prosperity. The system we have built is collapsing” Emmanuel Faber, CEO of Danone
Lightning talks presented different solutions for securing nature-based livelihoods through new more inclusive, gender-balanced and just corporate supply chains, ecosystem restoration, market incentives, through finance and local action.
A rapid round-table panel identified underlying issues and key steps required going forward.