The Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework : Recipe for Success
With a full house attendance, this four hours long session gathered over a hundred experts across two high level segments and 7 break-out groups to collectively brainstorm over proposals to improve the draft 1 version of the post 2020 biodiversity framework currently under negociation in the CBD arena.
“We really need to set the compass on nature for the world. We need a post 2020 biodiversity framework that disrupts the other sectors: fisheries, infrastructures, etc. Without such goals we will not leverage the ambition. 2050 is far too away, the focus has to be on 2030 on the targets & the global goals, even if obviously we need a vision.” Marco Lambertini, Director General, WWF International
Pushing collectively for more ambition and a more implementation prone framing, the participants submitted inputs as to the different groups of targets, the NBSAPs integration, etc. All participants agreed than more than a fine-tuning, the current draft framework as it stands still needs to be significantly improved and directed to stakeholders outside the biodiversity community alone. They highlighted that value of nature to economy and societies needs to be fully accounted for in national and international economic systems. They also reaffirmed that the GBF shall use all the instrument and tools with indicators to make synergies and promote connections with the other processes, collaborating on the means of implementation.
Post 2020 Partnership Pavilion
Day 2 focused on the equity and right dimensions of the GBF through two on-site sessions and two virtual sessions. The Evening Virtual on September 4 and the Morning Virtual on September 5 both focused on the equity and rights ambition gaps and concrete recommendations to address those gaps.
The results of these two virtual conversations fed into the two on-site sessions on September 5. Session 1 invited speakers to share their vision for an ambitious rights based approach for the GBF and their perspectives on the outstanding equity and rights gaps.
“Mechanisms need to be reinforced so that IPLCs are equally heard, looking at the wrongs from the past and rectifying them.” Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Former UN Special Rapporteur for Rights of Indigenous Peoples
“We are suffering of eco-anxiety, but have a clear idea of the future we want. International processes start recognizing the importance of listening to youth but we still have to fight for those spaces.”So far, it is really business as usual, and we are tired of it. That’s why we have a campaign called #StopTheSame“ Melina Sakiyama, GYBN
This session focused featured Joost Van Montfort (WWF), Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, Former UN Special Rapporteur for Rights of Indigenous Peoples, Melina Sakiyama (GYBN), and Jennifer Corpuz, Global Policy and Advocacy Lead, Nia Tero and moderator.
“The OEWG is pushing towards including better definitions of the targets recognizing human-rights approaches. But work is still needed to make sure this is included in the final framework.” Joost Van Montfort, WWF
Session 2 identified suggestions for strengthening the equity and rights dimensions in the GBF. They also framed high level political messages to be transmitted to UNGA-76, CBD COP 15, and UNFCCC COP-26.
“Equity and rights are matters if good, just, inclusive governance. And, as evidenced by IPBES we will not reach transformative change without transformation of governance.” Phil Franks IIED
“Intergenerational equity is a way to evaluate daily actions and see if they strengthen or weaken the possibility of future generations to enjoy the same rights, particularly to a healthy environment.” Swetha Stotra Bashyam, GYBN
Transformative Change session at the EU Pavilion
The session presented the main interest, challenges and opportunities related to adopting a “transformative change” approach to the post-2020 global biodiversity framework and showcase with concrete examples the EU’s role and leadership in driving transformation throughout sectors, stakeholders and in the COP15 negotiation process.
“To put transformative change at the heart of the post-2020 GBF, we need to adopt a whole of government and whole of society approach, including non state actors” Jiska Van Dijk, Norwegian Institute for Nature Research
Under the moderation of Julie Delcroix, Policy Officer at the European Commission DG R&T, panelists showed pathways to concrete windows of action for an effectively transformative CBD COP15; develop ownership and use the concept of transformative change to enhance global biodiversity governance.
“We have to open up what biodiversity conservation means to a whole new range of actors even though it fosters conflicts. It is by allowing conflicts between those actors that we will achieve transformative change.” Harriet Bulkeley, Durham University
The session started off with an expert presentation on transformative change, its main concepts and an analysis of the transformative elements and gaps in the current CBD negotiations, by Jiska Van Dijsk and Harriet Bulkeley. It was followed by a panel discussion addressing priorities for transformative action. Key stakeholders’ groups (local and subnational governments, youth, private sector) intervened presenting their contributions and expectations for an inclusive and transformative post-2020 global biodiversity framework.
“To have a transformative framework, we have to transform the way we are negotiating.” Ines Verleye, former national focal point of Belgium for the CBD
“Cities are the front runners in this transformative process: ICLEI & various partners have established CitiesWithNature, an action platform for cities.” Ingrid Coetzee, ICLEI
“Youth voices must be heard to make transformative change happen.” Emmanuel Sindikubwabo, Co-founder, We DO GREEN Rwanda
Speaking engagements, high-level meetings, interactive sessions… another very productive day for the youth delegation
Following the Equity and Rights programme at the Post-2020 Partnership Pavilion, Melina Sakiyama and Swetha Stotra Bhashyam from GYBN participated in two panel discussions on integrating rights-based approaches in the CBD and nature negotiations. They both recalled that intergenerational equity was a cornerstone of a successful Post-2020 framework and that full and effective participation was required to reach the CBD’s objectives.
Further on governance and right, Josefa Tauli (GYBN) and Alexis Manuela Cañari (IUCN #YouthSpeak Representative) spoke on the importance of the inclusion of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities as rights-holders and stewards of the world’s biodiversity. Josefa addressed the Post-2020 Partnership Pavilion, while Alexis took the stage in a story-telling event with IUCN’s #YouthSpeak PechaKucha talks.
“IntergenerationalEquity should be cross-cutting in the GBF’s goals, targets and indicators. We work to make sure that the next draft reflects it as well as rights-based approaches, and what we young people think is important.” Josefa Tauli, GYBN
Another highlight was the collective organisation by Youth 4 Nature, GYBN and YOUNGO of the launch of the Youth Position on Nature-based solutions. Following an ongoing global survey, they will release a position document on the topic, which will be submitted to UNFCCC COP26 and CBD COP15. With this, the three partners showed once again that youth were eager to contribute to the negotiations, and able to lead in breaking sectoral silos for environmental action.
Robyn Seetal (WEF Global Shapers) contributed to the “Post-2020 recipe for success” event, along with 6 other young leaders. During the discussion, three breakout groups were created, to assess specific aspects of Draft 1 of the Post-2020 Global Biodiversity Framework, their links to the IUCN WCC, and implications for ongoing environmental negotiations. The brainstorming will run through Congress and culminate in a Marseille manifesto which will be submitted to the Convention on Biological Diversity. Robyn and 6 young representatives volunteered and split themselves between the groups to provide their views along with other experts. Over 100 people attended.
But the IUCN World Conservation Congress is also an unmissable opportunity to connect and learn from the ever-expanding community of experts and decision-makers. The Breakfast with… were launched to this end, to allow the future generations to meet with current high-level representatives, engage with them and deepen an intergenerational dialogue. Sarah Hanson (Youth 4 Nature) used this platform to meet Dr. Johanita Bénédicte Ndahimananjara, Minister of Environment, Ecology and Forests of Madagascar, and discussed the intricate challenges of combining meaningful youth involvement, environmental advocacy, and political action.