
EU Pavilion at CBD COP-16 – Leading Transformative Actions for the Global Biodiversity Framework


CBD COP16 in Colombia concluded on November 2nd. Today, we are proud to look back at the last two weeks where Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) implementation was at the heart of discussions and events.

The official close of COP16 marks not only the end of a historical conference but also the conclusion of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support project. After six years of dedication, innovation, and collaboration with many partners, we look back with immense pride at the progress we have achieved together in advancing the KMGBF goals and targets. The journey was inspiring and rewarding.

During COP16, our project had the honour of coordinating the activities of the EU Pavilion, showcasing Europe’s concrete contributions to the KMGBF and reinforcing its commitment to global biodiversity goals. The EU Pavilion provided a platform to present pioneering strategies and actions, setting the stage for ambitious implementation efforts and encouraging “Peace with Nature” on an international scale.

In collaboration with AL Invest Verde, Amazonia+, Euroclima, and Grandes Bosques de Mesoamérica, the EU Pavilion hosted close to 70 engaging sessions, bringing together high-level officials, experts, practitioners, and participants from all over the world.

This dynamic line-up highlighted the EU’s leadership and support for impactful biodiversity efforts in different geographies, sparking further cooperation and innovation.

The Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support project hosted and supported the following key events at the EU Pavilion:

October 21 – Rangers at the heart of the 30 x 30 target – Engaged for people and Nature

Showcasing the role of the ranger profession in the achievement of the GBF, this event brought together rangers, protected area managers, IPLCs representatives, NGOs and IGOs. It presented the Hyères Declaration and was an opportunity to remind that all stakeholders can support the profession and engage with rangers for inclusive, resilient and opportunity-creating protected areas.

With: Gardes Nature de France | International Ranger Federation | natureXpairs

October 22 Innovating for Nature and People in African Cities

This high-level discussion featured examples from different African cities, such as Kampala, and how they are responding to both social and environmental challenges, particularly ones related to biodiversity-inclusive urban planning, in line with Target 12 of the KMGBF.

The exchanges in particular evoked the theme of urban informalities, demonstrating how informal urbanisation in Africa can transform sustainable development by leveraging the contributions of nature. 

With (to be confirmed) ICLEI, OECD Sahel and West Africa Club

October 24 – Investing in African Youth as Key Players in Implementing the KMGBF in Africa

Amplifying African youth voices and transformative actions is crucial to implement the KMGBF, especially its Targets 21 and 22. Youth should also be involved in the revision of NBSAPs. It is thus necessary to explore the institutional and financial support available to expand the impact of youth-led transformative actions.

Panelsits representing different chapters of GYBN Africa showcased their projects and emphasized the need to keep enhancing youth participation to achieve the KMGBF. 

With Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) Africa and African Wildlife Foundation

October 28 Play for Nature: when Sport teams up with Nature

This session was designed to be a platform where sport meets biodiversity conservation for a more sustainable future. 

Following the success of the last Olympic Games in Paris, Play for Nature and the IUCN initiative Sport For Nature presented their inspiring actions and invited attendees to experience a concrete situation linking sport and biodiversity conservation.

The session concluded with a short, engaging sports activity, offering participants a dynamic way to connect with nature and sustainability through movement.

With: Play for Nature, Sport for Nature – IUCN

October 29 – Bridging COP 16 to UNOC 3: Accelerating Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use

During this session discussions focused on synergies between the KMGBF and the BBNJ Agreement (High Seas Treaty), paving a strong foundation for UNOC 3, set for June 9-13 in Nice, France.

Panelists explored the potential to continue momentum from the Immersed in Change conference through UNOC to COP16, emphasizing the need to convey multi-stakeholder processes to accelerate marine biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.

With KMGBF Targets 1, 3, 20, and 21 setting the roadmap, speakers called for action across all levels—from high-level political leadership to subnational entities (SNLGs).

With : High Seas Alliance,  Ocean & Climate Platform, Ifremer,  SINAC Costa Rica, Rare

October 29 – From Inspiring Ideas to Transformative Actions: How Civil Society is Bringing About Transformative Change to Support the Implementation of the KMGBF

During this session at COP16Colombia, the Post-2020 project team and its energetic partners, shared key takeaways from six years of intense and transformative collaboration. Since 2018, our project acted as a catalyst for change, striving to create high leverage points to foster a whole-of-society approach for biodiversity conservation.

The Post-2020 project is grateful for the diverse voices that came together, representing over 10 organisations—from SNLGs and youth groups to faith communities, the UN entities, think tanks, conservation NGOs, and the European Commission. This rich collaboration reflects our commitment to bringing people together to drive meaningful and transformative actions.

October 29 – Strategic Alliances: Enhancing the KMGBF’s early implementation through multilevel governance

CBD COP16 is a great opportunity to highlight multilevel governance for the implementation of the KMGBF considering NBSAPs.

Parties’ collaborative efforts on Subnational and Local Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (SBSAPs) demonstrated the effective national and subnational collaboration, in line with the KMGBF Target 14.

This session offered a platform for participants to share findings and tools, to replicate these strategies on the subnational levels in different geographies.

With: Regions4 |  CONABIO | Medio Ambiente 

Join us at the EU Pavilion at COP 16!

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