
Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) youth consultation

Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) youth consultation
Youth activity driven by the Congolese youth
From 12 to 15 of July, congolese Youth reunited through online channels for doing their national Youth Consultation in the middle of July. They have tremendous participation with 80 participants from different regions of the country.

Most of them were students, environmentalist young leaders and young professionals. It was a unique experience in DRC. The coordinator of GYBN Congo described the activity as “a youth activity driven by the youth themselves”.
According to GYBN Congo, the Congolese chapter is one of the biggest youth networks in environmental matters in DRC and this consultation was the perfect opportunity to gather into a common discussion under very important topics and issues that are affecting Biodiversity, for example talking about the drivers of biodiversity loss and actions than can be taken to address it.

During the consultation, young people could exchange ideas and opinions regarding what it meant for them to live in harmony with nature and what kind of vision they have for biodiversity as well as the kind of values that should underpin the vision and how to reflect them in laws, policies and practices. One of the most important outcomes, according to GYBN Congo coordinator was the “Biodiversity is at risk, we must all work to ensure intergenerational equity and ensure that the generations that come after us benefit from the same resources as we do. This intergenerational equity means that the rights of indigenous peoples are respected, local knowledge is valued and nature-based solutions are promoted.

The success of the event and interesting discussions has motivated GYBN Congo and consultation participant to meet next month to discussions on the first draft of the Post 2020 Global Biodiversity Framework.

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