South Africa is actively engaged in the process leading to the effective adoption of the GBF at CBD COP15, fostering engagement inside the African Group of negotiators, and proving inspiration to many in terms of designing biodiversity policy frameworks on the ground.
The South African Government, businesses, civil society and research communities have been working on sustainable finance for biodiversity conservation and sustainable use. There are promising opportunities to develop a nature-positive bio-economy that could help the country’s ambition to address inequality and unemployment.
In partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Fisheries of South Africa, our project aims at supporting synergies between different stakeholders across sectors, government and society, for a coherent paradigm creation and prompt implementation of the post-2020 GBF.
The activities will include dialogues and study visits designed to share best practices, knowledge, networking, expertise-building, and innovative ideas based on past successful examples of biodiversity governance for the GBF implementation.