Just as the formal online sessions of SBSTTA24 and SBI-3 are unfolding, the Post 2020 biodiversity framework – EU support partnered international experts to provide guidance and frame recommendations to the delegation on the following themes :
- Nature Based Solutions, by Mrs Harriet Bulkeley from Durham University
- Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures, by Mrs Paula Bueno from WWF Colombia
- Biodiversity indicators, by Mrs Marina Weissenberg & Andras Obrecht
- Sustainable production and Consumption, by Lika Sasaki & Lorena Jaramillo from UNCTAD
The sessions were opened by Eugenia Arguedas Montezuma, CBD National Focal Point of Costa Rica , and by Hugo Rivera-Mendoza, Deputy Team Leader of the Post 2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU support. The activities gathered up to 45 members of Costa Rican delegation to the Convention on Biological Diversity, as well as representatives from key biodiversity institutions (SINAC, CONAGEBIO, FONAFIFO etc.).