The workshop gathered high-level experts from biodiversity knowledge institutions,think tanks and academia, regional organizations and national ministries from the LAC region, to take stock of ongoing mobilization in the region, reflect on and share concrete experiences of coordination and organize their work to scale up and operationalize their mobilization towards CBD CoP15. Discussions covered technical examples of on-the-ground implementation, national policy development discussions, the strengthening of science and policy interactions, and the development of a regional vision and dynamics for the post-2020 framework.
The aim was to exchange views on the underlying causes of biodiversity loss, the enabling conditions for biodiversity policies, and their connections with macroeconomics and pathways to a regional sustainable development. Discussions built upon the IPBES regional assessment for the Americas and the IPBES global assessment, as well as on the report of the CBD regional consultation of May 2019 attended by most participants, among other references.
Four main themes were addressed:
- Experiences in addressing the underlying causes of biodiversity loss
- Successful experiences in biodiversity sustainable use in the LAC region
- Enabling conditions
- Biodiversity’s nexus
Read our “Towards Post-2020 Expertise on #4”, co-written by ECLAC and IDDRI.
Take a look at a few testimonies gathered during this event on CBD COP15:
Latin America & the Caribean: a laboratory for the future: