This year the city of Cali, Colombia, hosted the 1st implementation COP since the adoption of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (KMGBF) in December 2022. The Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support Project has supported and co-organised a series of eighteen events at CBD COP 16 to demonstrate that implementation has begun around the world by a range of Parties and stakeholders.
Some of these events were hosted at the EU Pavilion, and others in specific Hubs or Pavilions held by longstanding partners, and as official CBD side-events.
They highlighted the progress to date in relation to many of the KMGBF targets from both the public and private sectors, showcasing their transformative actions towards achieving Peace with Nature, in line with the theme of this COP.
From October 21 to 30, Blue Zone
Faith actors at the forefront of GBF implementation
At COP16, faith groups came together to showcase their commitment and leadership in implementing the Global Biodiversity Framework.
Through a series of diverse events, religious leaders and communities demonstrated how spiritual teachings and practices are driving tangible actions for biodiversity conservation around the world. These four sessions will be an occasion for faith groups to illustrate their role in achieving the Goals and Targets of the GBF.
- October 21, Nature Positive Pavilion
Faith actors at the forefront of GBF implementation - October 22, Faith hub – Action Zone
Faith Hub opening - October 23, Faith hub – Action Zone
GBF Report Deep Dive - October 30
Closing reflections
Discussions spaned practical approaches like ecosystem restoration and sustainable agriculture, as well as broader themes such as integral ecology and the wellbeing economy.
Interfaith dialogues explore how different spiritual traditions are addressing environmental challenges, from combating plastic pollution to promoting ecocide law. Youth engagement and indigenous perspectives are included in these dialogues, highlighting the inclusive nature of faith-based environmental initiatives.
October 21, EU Pavilion – Plaza 2
Rangers at the Heart of the 30 x 30 Target – Engaged for People & Nature
Showcasing the role of the ranger profession in the achievement of the GBF, this event brought together rangers, protected area managers, IPLCs representatives, NGOs, IGOs and SCBD representatives.
It presented the Hyères Declaration following the World Ranger Congress that recently took place in Hyères, France. It was an opportunity to remind that all stakeholders can support the profession and engage with rangers for inclusive, resilient and opportunity-creating protected areas, consistent with the Target 3 of the KMGBF. It also focused on how rangers can contribute to other many GBF targets.
With: Gardes Nature de France | International Ranger Federation | natureXpairs
October 22, EU Pavilion – Plaza 2
Innovating for Nature & People in African Cities
In which ways can African cities portray innovative solutions for the implementation of the KMGBF?
This high-level discussion featured examples from different African cities, such as Kampala, and how they are responding to both social and environmental challenges, particularly ones related to biodiversity-inclusive urban planning, in line with Target 12 of the KMGBF.
The exchanges in particular evoked the theme of urban informalities, demonstrating how informal urbanisation in Africa can transform sustainable development by leveraging the contributions of nature.
October 24, UN Hub – Place Quebec, Blue Zone
Consumers and Nature: Making Trade Work for Biodiversity and Development
Consumers play a vital role in conserving biodiversity, as their consumption choices and behaviours have a significant impact on ecosystems. This session highlighted the urgent need to support their transition to sustainable lifestyles, with sustainable consumption as a top priority.
Panelists and participants explored innovative tools and strategies, including trade and trade-related policies, to promote sustainable consumption and production globally. The discussions focused on how sustainable consumption practices can contribute to the achievement of global biodiversity targets, in particular Target 16 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
Ivana Padierna explained that with the right approach trade can support biodiversity conservation. She presented the Biotrade Principles & Criteria a guiding publication for the Private Sector that is recognized as a monitoring tool for the GBF implementation.
Based on her country’ regulations, María Carolina Ramírez García, from the government of Colombia emphasized also the responsibility of the advertising world to protect the right of consumers and prohibit misleading advertising.
Crucial role of public procurement was also mentioned given their huge power to influence the market.
In fact ‘Everybody has a role to play, but not everybody has the same role to play‘ stated Camila Cosse Braslavsky from Consumers International.
With: UN Trade and Development | Consumers International | BIOTRAILS | adelphi
October 24, EU Pavilion – Plaza 2
Investing in African Youth as Key Players in Implementing the KMGBF in Africa
Amplifying African youth voices and transformative actions is crucial to implement the KMGBF, especially its Targets 21 and 22. Youth should also be involved in the revision of NBSAPs. It is thus necessary to explore the institutional and financial support available to expand the impact of youth-led transformative actions.
Panelsits representing different chapters of GYBN Africa showcased their projects and emphasized the need to keep enhancing youth participation to achieve the KMGBF.
With: Global Youth Biodiversity Network (GYBN) Africa | African Wildlife Foundation
October 25, Official CBD Side-Event – Plaza One, Blue Zone
Capacity-building Tools for Transversal Action on the KMGBF Implementation in the LAC region
Jointly with the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework EU Support project, ECLAC presented a digital toolkit that aims to provide curated resources on KMGBF Targets 1, 6, 10, 14 and 18 that may serve to level the ground for key stakeholders from different sectors. The toolkit’s main objective is to improve national and subnational policy design processes.
The event also served to present the main findings, lessons learned and recommendations from high-level experts from various fields that participated in the policy dialogues during the toolkit developing process.
October 25, Universidad ECCI, Green Zone
Biodiversity in actions: tools and lessons from Mexico
At this session, the Government of Mexico through the National Commission for the Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity (CONABIO) with the support of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework EU Support Project, and other partners presented its current efforts to strengthen subnational capacities for the implementation of the GBF.
Experts shared key findings, lessons learned, and recommendations, highlighting how strategic tools can facilitate the implementation of concrete actions by subnational governments and key stakeholders.
It was an occasion to present the innovative toolbox supported by our Project and aiming at align efforts and maximize the impact of biodiversity conservation at regional and local levels, ensuring practical and scalable solutions to protect our natural resources.
With: CONABIO| GIZ | the Global Environment Facility (GEF) | UNDP
October 26, Blue Zone
Science-Policy Forum sessions on Transforming Agri-food Systems for People & Nature: from a New Narrative to a New Reality. Best Cases & Pathways for Transformative Change
By exploring the interconnectedness of agri-food systems and biodiversity, these participative sessions during the Science-Policy forum focused on the role of knowledge systems and practices in creating alternative pathways for agri-food production, distribution and consumption and the contribution of indigenous peoples, afro-descendants and local communities, especially women, to inventing new models.
Participants highlighted the need to work closely with farmers in order to deepen transformation efforts. Therefore, creating synergies between farmers and researchers is key. Focus was also placed on respecting traditional food and culinary practices. This event reflected the purpose of the KMGBF Targets 10 and 22.
Learn more here:
With: ECLAC | South African Youth Biodiversity Network (SAYBN) | Directory of the Environment in Souss Massa Region, Ministry of Energy ce Transition and Sustainable Development – Morocco | Ministry of International Relations and Francophonie of Quebec | International Union of Biological Sciences (IUBS) | Humboldt Institute | Alliance of Bioversity – CIAT | CGIAR | Continental Network of Indigenous Women of the Americas – ECMIA
October 27, Women Pavilion, Blue Zone
Women, Finance & Forests
As part of the G20: Sustainable Finance for Nature and People project, this event entitled “Women, Finance & Forest”, co-organised with Climate and Company, it provided a space for indigenous women leaders from Peru, Colombia and Ecuador to talk about their difficulties in accessing funds and other sources of finance to care for their lands and forests.
Participants also discussed tools and pathways to enable local communities and vulnerable groups to access funding for the implementation of the framework and how to access decision making to influence the elaboration of sustainable financing mechanisms.
The event also served to present key recommendations to the G20 in a T20 Policy Brief Integrating Biodiversity and Social Inclusion into G20 Sustainable Finance Taxonomies.
With: Climate and Company
October 28, EU Pavilion – Plaza 2
Play for Nature: when Sport teams up with Nature
This session was designed to be a platform where sport meets biodiversity conservation for a more sustainable future.
Following the success of the last Olympic Games in Paris, Play for Nature and the IUCN initiative Sport For Nature presented their inspiring actions and invited attendees to experience a concrete situation linking sport and biodiversity conservation.
The session concluded with a short, engaging sports activity, offering participants a dynamic way to connect with nature and sustainability through movement.
October 28
Press Conference – Rangers at the heart of the Global Biodiversity Framework
The Press conference covered the topic of Rangers at the heart of the Global Biodiversity Framework
Organised by the International Ranger Federation (IRF) and the Universal Ranger Support Alliance (URSA) this press conference offered a platform to discuss the importance of the Ranger profession, its challenges and potential to contribute to achieving KMGBF targets, as highlighted in the Call to Cali Declaration, issued following the 10th World Ranger Congress held in Hyères, France in October.
Watch the press conference here :
- Hyères Declaration:
- Call to Cali:
The Conference included interventions of:
- Rohit Singh, Vice-President, International Ranger Federation (IRF)
- Jonathan Churcher, General Manager (IRF)
- Juan Ivan Sanchez Bernal, President, Ranger Association of Colombia
- Madhu Rao, Chair, IUCN World Commission on Protected Areas WCPA-IUCN
- Mauricio Cabrera, Vice-Minister of Environment, Governement of Colobmia
- Humberto Rosa, Director, Biodiversity, Directorate General for Environment, European Commission
- Cyrille Barnerias, Director – International Affairs, Office français de la biodiversité
October 29, EU Pavilion – Plaza 2
Bridging COP 16 to UNOC 3: Accelerating Marine Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Use
During this session discussions focused on synergies between the #KMGBF and the BBNJ Agreement (High Seas Treaty), paving a strong foundation for UNOC 3, set for June 9-13 in Nice, France.
Panelists explored the potential to continue momentum from the Immersed in Change conference through UNOC to COP16, emphasizing the need to convey multi-stakeholder processes to accelerate marine biodiversity conservation and sustainable use.
With KMGBF Targets 1, 3, 20, and 21 setting the roadmap, speakers called for action across all levels—from high-level political leadership to subnational entities (SNLGs).
With : Ocean & Climate Platform | High Seas Alliance | Rare | Great Blue Wall Initiative – UICN | Ministry of Environment and Energy of Costa Rica (MINAE) | Expertise France | Ifremer
October 29, EU Pavilion – Plaza 2
From Inspiring Ideas to Transformative Actions: Bringing About Transformative Change to Support the Implementation of the KMGBF
During this session at COP16Colombia, the Post-2020 project team and its energetic partners, shared key takeaways from six years of intense and transformative collaboration. Since 2018, our project acted as a catalyst for change, striving to create high leverage points to foster a whole-of-society approach for biodiversity conservation.
The Post-2020 project is grateful for the diverse voices that came together, representing over 10 organisations—from SNLGs and youth groups to faith communities, the UN entities, think tanks, conservation NGOs, and the European Commission. This rich collaboration reflects our commitment to bringing people together to drive meaningful and transformative actions.
Through vertical integration and an agile, adaptable mindset, the Post-2020 project has embraced the “octopus and octopush” approach, demonstrating how interconnected efforts can yield impactful results. Together, we are paving the way for a future where biodiversity thrives, and our planet can sustain us all.
With : GBYN Africa | Climate and Company | SINAC – Costa Rica | ECLAC | Faith for Biodiversity | ICLEI | CONABIO – Mexico | City of Sao Paulo – Brazil | Ministry of the Environment – Peru | Sports for Nature Initiative | Play for Nature | UNCTAD | WWF
October 29– Official CBD Side-event, Blue Zone
UN REGIONAL COMMISSION’S HIGH-LEVEL SIDE-EVENT: Key Actions for Inter-regional & Regional KMGBF Implementation
This high-level session featured esteemed representatives from regional commissions, who shared insights on prompt, coordinated actions to address biodiversity loss and degradation.
With a strong emphasis on Targets 1, 6, 10, 14 and 18 of the KMGBF, panelists provided valuable, action-oriented guidance for policymakers across regions, underscoring the importance of collaboration in achieving KMGBF goals.
They also shared joint policy brief document « Making Peace with Nature : Regional actions to mainstream and invest in biodiversity »
From an action-oriented perspective, the event addressed the potential impacts of a coordinated approach for taking immediate action to stop biodiversity loss and degradation and to provide advice to countries and decision-makers supporting the KMGBF implementation in all regions.
October 29, EU Pavilion – Plaza 2
Strategic Alliances: Enhancing the KMGBF’s early Implementation through Multilevel Governance
CBD COP16 is a great opportunity to highlight multilevel governance for the implementation of the KMGBF considering NBSAPs.
Parties’ collaborative efforts on Subnational and Local Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (SBSAPs) demonstrated the effective national and subnational collaboration, in line with the KMGBF Target 14.
This session offered a platform for participants to share findings and tools, to replicate these strategies on the subnational levels in different geographies.
With: Regions4 | CONABIO | Medio Ambiente
All these events reflected the commitment of the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support project team since 2018 to support partners from governments at all levels and civil society in their efforts to work together for Nature and People.
“COP16 has been a space to meet our many partners and friends and to reflect on what made our common efforts transformative. We will continue working together in our next roles, building on this alliance of powerful friends engaged for a better future. For Nature and People.” stated Hugo Rivera Mendoza, Team Leader, Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support
Aurélie Godefroy, Deputy Head of Unit for Environment and Sustainable Natural Resources at the DG for International Partnerships, European Commission, highlighted the importance of collaboration, stating, “Achieving peace with nature demands a collective effort from all sectors of society. Throughout its implementation, the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support Project has empowered a wide range of stakeholders, from faith-based groups to local governments and youth leaders, to be part of the conversation on the future of global biodiversity, but also to take meaningful action at their level.
As an EU-funded initiative, the Post-2020 Biodiversity Framework – EU Support project, collaborated with AL Invest Verde, Amazonia+, Euroclima, and Grandes Bosques de Mesoamérica to host the EU Pavilion in the Blue Zone.